20660 Stvns Crk Blvd#380
Cupertino , CA 95014

ph: 408-512-1280

*We generally disclaim that AskTung-Business Solutions LLC. reserve all rights to voluntarily cease and/or terminate any or all our services to any and all affiliations, including clients, and in discovery of any  intent to actions defraud,scheme, unlawful both business  conduct and/or practices without granting written notices as we shall attempt endeavor to notify and no further considerations and intent to resume. Individual actions and opinion do not serve to represent and or be construed as approved,endorsed, and vicariously held legally company responsible but individually independently liability by the businesses or individually. Any cause of action is therefore void and null."*

Copyright and trade mark protect. AskTung-Business Solutions Providers, LLC. USA  et al. All Rights Reserved.Design by team AskTung

20660 Stvns Crk Blvd#380
Cupertino , CA 95014

ph: 408-512-1280